Serous Otitis Media Treatment

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What is Serous Otitis Media?

It is a condition characterised by accumulation of non purulent effusion in the middle ear. It is commonly known as ” fluid in the middle ear”. This fluid is usually thick and viscid ( glue like). Hence this condition is also called ” Glue ear”.

Cause of Serous Otitis Media

The two most important factors responsible for this condition are

  • Eustachian tube dysfunction :-This can be caused by a variety of conditions like adenoid hypertrophy, chronic tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum, benign or malignant tumours of nose and nasopharynx etc
  • Increased secretory activity of middle ear mucosa:- This can be caused by seasonal or perennial allergies and even inadequately treated bacterial/viral infections of the middle ear.

Symptoms in Serous Otitis Media

Ear fullness: This may be the only complaint a patient of serous otitis media may present with. Vague ear fullness and discomfort may be a symptom of underlying serous otitis media.

Hearing loss: The patient may present with mild conductive hearing loss. This is usually seen in serous otitis media in adults. Young children may not be able to notice a mild hearing loss.

Diagnosis in Serous Otitis Media

The diagnosis can be made by a combination of clinical examination and a few audiological investigations.

  • Clinical examination: On otoscopic examination, the eardrum may look retracted with distortion of the cone of light. Fluid may be visible behind the eardrum as air fluid levels.
  • Pure tone audiometry: The pure tone audiometry may show a mild air bone gap suggestive of a conductive hearing loss.
  • Impedance audiometry: Because of fluid in the middle ear, the eardrum may show reduced compliance and flattening of the compliance curve.

Treatment of Serous Otitis Media

The treatment consists of:

  1. Eustachian tube decongestants: These decongestants may be given up to 4 weeks to reduce the oedema of the eustachian tube to increase its patency and maintain the aeration of middle ear.
  2. Antibiotics: Antibiotics may be required to treat any underlying middle ear infections which may be leading to increased secretory activity of the middle ear mucosa.
  3. Myringotomy: An incision may be given in the eardrum and fluid may be aspirated from the middle ear.
  4. Grommet insertion: In long standing unresolving cases of serous otitis media, a myringotomy may be done, fluid may be aspirated and ventilation tube ( grommet) may be inserted in the eardrum to maintain the ventilation of the eardrum.
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